[VIDEO] What's the Difference Between the Plan and the Transitional Call to Action?


When you’re new to the StoryBrand framework, it can take a little time to understand all the terms and use them the right way in your marketing message.

In a recent Facebook group post, one member asked, “What’s the difference between the plan and the transitional call to action?”

Good question.

You could also wonder how the primary call to action is different from the transitional call to action.

I answer those questions in this video with a couple “real world” examples.


Take your next step

Do you feel like your marketing message isn’t as clear as it could be? 

Are customers confused about what you offer or what they should do when they visit your website?

Are your email campaigns getting the results you want?

As a StoryBrand Certified Guide, I can help you craft a message that speaks directly to your customers so you can grow your business.

I can do the heavy lifting for you or, if you’re more of a DIY kind of person, I can coach you through the process.

Either way, you win.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Let’s schedule a call and talk about what you need

  2. We’ll clarify your marketing message

  3. You’ll grow your business

I can’t wait to see you grow.


Schedule a call today and let’s clarify your marketing message.


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